Michael is a research student, disability advocate, registered nurse and has lived experience of disability, having a Corpus Callosum Disorder. 

Michael is passionate about both biomedical and qualitative research impacting people with a disability and neurodiversity, disseminating research findings for a lay audience and connecting people with a corpus callosum disorder to their wider community and to experts and advocates that can help them. As someone with a disability he is interested in impacting the healthcare system and society at large to combat ableism. 

Michael is studying a Master of Philosophy at Queensland University of Technology researching anxiety in Corpus Callosum Disorders (CCD) and is a Registered Nurse with a Master of Nursing with a special interest in wound care, chronic pain, palliative care and general medicine.

Michael was diagnosed with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) as a teenager and has worked closely with universities, researchers and communities to improve awareness of the condition, and support people with a CCD. 

Michael has also contributed to many mental health organisations and is a ‘Book’ in the Human Library Project; where inquiring minds can drive conversations about combating prejudice with people who have lived experience of experiencing life differently.  

As Vice President of the peak body in Australia for CCD, AusDoCC (Australian Disorders of the Corpus Callosum), Michael endeavours to support individuals, families and caregivers affected by a CCD, and influence health professionals, communities, service providers, educators and governments to achieve our vision. 

Michael has a website and YouTube show called The Brain Network that delves into the lived realities of people with a CCD and people adjacent to that experience (in the disability and healthcare sectors) and gathers important research and resources concerning CCD. 

Michael hopes to contribute to this research in a meaningful way that allows lived experience to influence how future research and policy approaches CCD and the people in the CCD community.